The information provided on your member application will be used to determine if you are qualified for a job. We strongly encourage you to review the details of your application to ensure your skills, training certifications and detailed resume are attached and up to date. Once your online application is fully completed, you can view and bid on jobs as they become available by logging into your account.
1620’s online job board will provide details for each available position and allow you to submit bids using a numerical preference. (ex: there are 3 jobs you are qualified for, but the third down is the one you want most, select 1 and so on). Only qualified applications will be submitted, and only to one available job at a time, no matter the number of positions bid on.
Note: you do not have to be a member of Local 1620 to bid on jobs; however, members are given priority on job postings. To become a member of IBEW Local 1620, you must first gain employment.
If your application is selected, you will receive a call from dispatch to discuss your experience. If you meet the prerequisites, your application will be forwarded to the employer for review. If the employer decides you are a qualified candidate, you will be contacted within 5-10 business days to start the hiring process. If the job(s) you bid on are removed from our website and you have not heard from anyone, you have not been selected for the position. Please continue to check our job board for the latest.